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Apr 19, 2024

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The size of (Western) Classical Music segment in music sector remains little, only around 2% worldwide. This number may look grim, particularly from the business point of view, but the works of Classical music are still produced and appreciated up to this day. Why?

Well, its role in shaping other forms of music stays strong, as it is illustrated in this program how Classical music develops itself and influences other music that most of us listen to on a daily basis such as jazz, blues and pop. Yes, there would be no Afro American and Latin American music if there were no Classical music. The same recognition is of course given to the African music tradition. Without either one, most of the music we listen to today would never exist. Quite a few of the music we enjoy actually adopt themes, forms, and even phrases from Classical music.

Classical music has a long history that spans over 1,600 years. The Hymns sung in churches in the medieval time (ca. 5th century) is believed to be the fetus of Classical music. From this point on, Classical music never stops progressing as how the contexts change from one period to another. Each period had its own context, and how the Classical music responded to each period had given us the Medieval Chants, and the music of the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and the 20th Century. Parts of these forms still practiced in current popular music, whether we are aware of it or not.

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2 responses to “Classical Bang”

  1. Lucy says:

    Hi web admin, I see that anyone must first subscribe to your web in order to listen to any of your programs, but I dont see how.. Could you help me out? To have some infos would be great, thanks

    • Moderator says:

      Hi Lucy,

      Thank you for interest in Vox de Cultura. You can register anytime you want, just click on the menu “subscribe” that is located on top of our web (header section) and follow the three simple steps: (1) Select your Subscription Plan – (2) Create an Account – (3) Choose a Payment Method.

      You could also visit our FAQ section for more information. If you couldn’t find the information that you need, please let us know via this email [email protected].

      Stay tuned,
      Vox de Cultura

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1st Edition - 20 Feb 2018

2nd Edition - 20 Feb 2018